Get aligned with your stakeholders by defining all relevant information such as your project objectives, limitations, and deliverables. Also, define the rough base dates and determine the project sponsor and manager. This module stores all data within a structured template and allows a formal approval process to get your project officially started.
Invite all project participants into your project. The organization module stores all contact information, allows to build a visual organization tree for your project and allocates roles to the team members. Furthermore you can create dedicated departments and teams and manage communication through individual distribution lists for meetings and reports.
This module is the main project planning tool. Frame and structure your project on a high level by splitting it into phases and subphases and define milestones to highlight important events. It allows you simple tracking as the project proceeds and visualizes the timeline for reporting purposes.
Daily project work with all project participants happens here! All work needed to execute the project is broken down to individuals tasks. You can not only delegate tasks to your team members, you can also define additional roles (according to RASCI) and ensure individual collaboration for each task. All participants within the task will receive email notification about all changes.
The meeting module is pretty powerful and comprehensive when it comes into managing your meetings. It enables you to define dedicated participant groups according to certain topics as the project moves on and to plan the individual meeting schedules efficiently. Each meeting comes with the corresponding agenda and objectives to stay focused. Information, todos and decisions during the meeting are recorded and stored within the module and distributed immediately to your team via the standardized reporting function
Plan and hold your meetings with the open source communication solution Jitsi. Send invitations from the meeting module with a link to Jitsi and add the dates to your standard calendar. Campr runs its own Jitsi server.
Cost information within all tasks is aggregated into graphs. Here you can simply can monitor your planned, forecasted, and actual costs of your entire project. CAMPR differentiates here between internal costs, means cost circulation within your own organization, and external costs for e.g. third parties involvement and invest.
Risk management has a significant influence on your project success. The module “Risks & Opportunities” makes it simple for you to track possible outcomes and allows you to act accordingly. Create new risks and perform a qualitative risk analysis first, to prioritize them accordingly to probability and impact. Quantitative analysis of time and cost impact for top risks and opportunities encourages you and define strategies and making quick decisions.
Plan and keep track of your project according to time and the proper sequence. The Gantt-Chart is the ideal project timeline management tool. It visualizes all phases, milestones and tasks and let’s you modify them. To view more details of a specific task is accessible by just one click.
To perform a task is often not a one-person-show. That’s why CAMPR offers a module where you can define how is collaborating and in which role. Beside who is responsible and is accountable for this work, you can define multiple people to support and consult during execution as well which persons need to be informed. Within this module you can intuitively define roles for each single task. The individual participants will be automatically informed via email notification.
Todos within CAMPR are demands which prompting certain actions which for example occur during certain project meetings. Todos can be small demands (e.g. Ms X should call Mr Y to receive information) or can feed into new or existing task if more efforts are needed. Across all meetings, CAMPR creates a todo-list to keep track of all items.

Infos within CAMPR are general information for the project team which occur during certain project meetings. Infos are not prompting for immediate action and can be e.g. the date for a milestone-celebration-party, a coworker is working remotely next week, etc. Across all meetings, CAMPR creates a Info-list to keep track of all items.

Get aligned with your stakeholders by defining all relevant information such as your project objectives, limitations, and deliverables. Also, define the rough base dates and determine the project sponsor and manager. This module stores all data within a structured template and allows a formal approval process to get your project officially started.

Project Reports in Real-Time! CAMPR provides you a fully automatic report which integrates all relevant project information from all active modules of the project in a nutshell. This powerful function is a time saver, since editing project documents is reduced to a minimum. Creating a new project report is a one-click-effort, distributed to relevant stakeholders via email and PDF-Export, and stored within CAMPR through project lifetime for reference later.